Demographers estimate that by 2050, the number of people on Earth will reach 10 billion. With such a number of people, the agricultural economy, logistics of food supplies and people's eating habits will have to change. It is likely that economics will force these processes, which will result in the transition of the majority of humanity to nutrition mainly based on vegetable and vegetarian diets. Meat production is many times more expensive than the production of cereals, fruits and vegetables. In addition, according to scientific research and the theory of futurologists, the production of traditional meat, e.g. pork and beef, may be replaced by the production of protein from insect breeding. Research shows that there are more proteins in the bodies of insects than in traditional meat dishes. In addition, the logistics of food supplies, agri-food products will have to improve. Systems for matching agricultural and reptile production to the current needs of the industry and the nutritional needs of people will be improved so as to reduce the scale of food wastage. The biggest threat to the implementation of this plan may be unexpected atmospheric phenomena, natural disasters, droughts, hurricanes, tropical heat in the areas in which agricultural crops have been cultivated so far. In addition, industrial exploitation of arable land and climate change causes soil depletion and the disintegration of areas suitable for agricultural production. Therefore, it will be necessary to continue the technological progress in the production of crops, in biotechnology, in the creation of new plant varieties resistant to pests and adverse climatic changes.

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