I am running 2D HSQC NMR experiment and I want to use /assign different colors to indicate the different components in my sample. I am using TopSpin 3.6 to process it. How can I color code the contour lines in the 2D?
Unfortunately I do not think this is possible in TopSpin (however if someone knows how I would also like to know). What I would do is import the spectra to a vector software program (Adobe Illustrator, affinity designer or similar) and change the colors there.
A "crude workaround" would be to process only little parts (stsr, stsi parameters) of the spectrum with the signals of individual compounds in different process numbers. Finally you can superimpose the resulting sub-spectra in multi-display. These will have different colors and you can play with these colors in the setup. But this naturally only works if the signals of interest do not overlap..