For my Masters project I have been creating SDMs using MAXENT, and the next stage involves using future climate projections in the 'projection layers directory' to see potential future distributions. I have seen the use of clamping suggested in other questions and so have tried using it, but I am unsure how to interpret the variety of asc files. My species is the hazel dormouse and the future climate scenario is based off of the ssp 126 (hence the 126 in the file names). The key files I have are:

1) muscardinus_avellanarius.asc - this is the suitability model for the current conditions based off the normal environmental layers.

2) muscardinus_avellanarius_126.asc

3) muscardinus_avellanarius_126_clamping.asc

4) muscardinus_avellanarius_126_novel.asc

5) muscardinus_avellanarius_126_novel_limiting.asc

I have assumed that 2) is similar to 1) just based off where the dormouse is likely to occur under the new climate conditions, but I have been unable to find guidance on exactly what files 3-5 represent and how to best interpret and use them. If I wanted to use a layer which uses clamping when modelling the potential distribution, which do I use, is it 3)?

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