I want to synthesize 100 nm gold nanospheres. I tried decreasing the concentration of citrate in reduction of gold(III)chloride, but the nano particles mostly aggregate during the synthesis. Please suggest for me a better working method.
Role of citrate concentration is to stabilize the particles and provide the appropriate pH that allows the nucleation reaction to terminate (besides its main role as reductant agent of course). Not a good candidate to tune the particle size. Gold concentration is more important for this purpose, as well as Gold Solution pH, and reaction temperature. In my experience, lower temperatures led to bigger but heterogeneous particles (wide size distribution and also odd shapes).
I think that the best way you have to achieve such a big size is by using a seed method. Use your optimum conditions to prepare small, spherical, homogeneous seed particles. Later you can add more gold and citrate to grow them into the size you like. Maybe for getting up to 100nm size you will need several growing steps though.