Greetings to all.

I have some questions about setting up DFT calculations in Gaussian software (I am a beginner in these matters), and trying to calculate the energy of the first excited triplet state T1; also I want to calculate the energy of the first excited singlet state S1.

  • the above, with the purpose of obtain the quantity called Singlet-Triplet Splitting Energy ΔE_ST. I ask you please, that someone could clear up some doubts I have, about whether my procedure is correct:

You see, I try to follow these "steps":

1. First, I optimize the molecule (I use DFT and some hybrid functional) in ground state and do the frequency analysis with


#p opt freq=noraman functional/base

0 1

Calculation from which I get the electronic energy as:

SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -[some quantity in a.u.]

2. Then I calculate the vertical excitation energies based on the ground state geometry for “N” states of interest with TD-SCF

%oldchk=optgroundstate.chk (from step 1)


#p td=(nstates=N) functional/base geom=check guess=read

0 1

from which I get information about the first N excited states

Excited State 1: Singlet-A [some quantity] eV [some quantity] nm f=[some quantity] =[some quantity] .


3. Next, I optimize the geometry of the excited state (singlet) using TD-DFT and making a slight perturbation of the geometry by changing one or a couple of dihedral angles (for example, of atoms A, B, C, D ) with:



#p opt td=(nstates=N,root=1,read) functional/base geom=modify guess=read

0 1

A B C D [some slight angle modification]

. . . . ……

And then, if I subtract Total Energy, E(TD-HF/TD-DFT) obtained in the “stept 3”, from the energy SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) from the ground state optimization, in principle:

  • Would I obtain the energy of the first state excited? Since in step 3, I specified to focus on root = 1 ??
  • And well, if the above is correct, Can I calculate the energy of the first triplet state by performing an optimization calculation on the excited state of the triplets as follows?

4. Optimize the geometry of the excited state (triplet) using TD-DFT


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