In order to select a journal to publish a scientific article, some aspects must be evaluated, among them: the journal´s impact factor, the journal´s indexation, the journal´s language of publication, the thematic area of the article…
Read the information for authors and information provided about the focus of the journal. Ask if it is a fit with your study. Look at previous issues of the journal to see if what they have published aligns with your paper (but is not TOO similar). Check Beall's list to make sure it is not a predatory publisher.
I agree with Michael. You need to look at previous issues of the journal. You also need to be sure to follow the guidelines for publishing in particular journals. You need to see if there are stipulations for publishing in the journal--do you have to be a member of the sponsoring association, for example. Then you need to look at cost.
Not only should you read articles from the journal, but peruse the editor information and editorial board. If you have been reading enough in the topic area, the names should be familiar to you. If this is not the case, you might consider other journals. Also, I have found it helpful, because submissions can take up to 3 months for a response, to send a brief email to an editor of two journals about your article, asking if this area/topic is of interest to them. If you receive no response, you may move on. In some cases, you will receive a response that indicates an interest in the submission of your article. Then proceed, and write a nice cover letter about your work and how you would be happy to revise it until it is deemed suitable for publication. This type of engagement has worked well for me in the past. Good luck!
Dear Jane Long Weatherred, is very interesting and useful your comments about the different ways/aspects to select a journal for publishing. Certainly, is necessary to establish communication with an editor of two (or more) journals for get information about my article. In this case, and having in mind other aspects, if I receive a response that indicates an interest in the submission of my article I must consider this journal for publishing my investigation.
En el momenton de seleccionar una revista para publicar un artículo científico son varios los aspectos que se deben analizar; pero sin dudas el factor de impacto de la misma así como su indexación constituyen los elementos medulares que deben determinar la selección y que sin dudas tributarán directamente a la futura visibilidad científica del artículo una vez publicado...