
I want to run a vmd script within my bash script. I am using the text only version of VMD for linux for my windows terminal ubuntu subsystem and I would like to generate code within my bash script which automatically renders the files which I would like to use. I have no gui for my linux version of vmd other than cli. Here is a sample of what I want to do:


cd /mnt/c/MS/

mkdir image

cd image

echo "menu files off

menu files on

display resetview

mol addrep 0

display resetview

mol new {/mnt/c/MS/engvector.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1

display shadows on

display ambientocclusion on

display projection Orthographic

color Display Background white

menu color off

axes location Off

scale by 1.001000

menu graphics off

menu graphics on

mol color ResType

mol representation Licorice 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000

mol selection all

mol material Opaque

mol modrep 0 0

menu graphics off

menu vmdmovie on

display fps off

display rendermode Normal

animate goto 0

render snapshot /mnt/c/MS/image/untitled.00000.bmp

exit" > temp_VMD.tcl

vmd -e temp_VMD.tcl

However my bmp image is blank. I'm used to using everything from cli so that I can port it to scripts to decrease prep and increase the amnt of time I have to review results.

Thank you for your time,

Brendan Booth

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