Hi everyone!

I'm doing a PhD in Clinical Psychology and I have some treatment data to analyse. The design is a 2 (condition: self-compassion, cognitive restructuring) x 5 (time: baseline, mid-treatment, post-treatment, 1-week follow-up, and 5-week follow-up) design. I had 119 participants randomized and engage in their respective interventions for a 2-week period, with follow-up assessments. The aim was to reduce social anxiety.

One analysis I'm trying to do is mediation, and preferably I would use a more simple strategy such as Hayes' PROCESS macro on SPSS. However, my understanding is that I won't be able to use all five waves of my data if I use PROCESS. Does anyone know if that is an appropriate strategy for multiple waves? Should I be using all information? And if so, how?

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