27 February 2014 4 4K Report

I am running coimmunoprecipitation assay for GPCRs in native tissue. We are having problems with efficient elution (multiple elutions show bands with variable intensities). We have increased elution buffer volume (max time 15 min RT) but cannot achieve complete elution to be able to quantify oligomerization. Also, there is weird vertical streaking which occurs more often than not. We thought its a salt problem and diluted the elution with water and then concentrated the sample before running on gel. There was no apparent difference in streaking between undiluted and diluted samples. So no back to square one. Another thing is band in negative control (no antibody). It appears often but not always. If protein is sticky to beads, preclearing will not be ideal as we will lose the protein of interest. But then if it sticks, we can't be sure of specificity of pull down. Any suggestions to solve these problems would be highly appreciated.

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