If you're new to the world of metagenomics may I recommend reading the following paper:
Article Best practices for analysing microbiomes
It contains a lot of good, high-level information about how you should carry out and present microbiome analyses. It also provides simple tables and tools outlining how to decided what to use based on your research question and experimental design.
This paper also shows how some of that information can be presented in practice alongside biogeochemical data (which in my opinion is one of the more powerful uses of metagenomics):
Article Critical biogeochemical functions in the subsurface are asso...
I hope you find these helpful, I have recently jumped into the world of metagenomics myself so I am always happy to discuss things further.
a) publish the DATA -> e.g. upload to a repository such as Short Read Archive. You can put an embargo on the data if you have a publication pending and are worried about that.
b) publish a paper about the DATA, and only the data. There are special journals for this. It might be “a waste of resources” if your data gives cool biological insights.
c) publish a paper about the data and biological insights. This will be most work but probably also most rewarding. So this might be best.