07 July 2017 5 4K Report

Hello everyone, I'm new in this filed please help!.

The problem that I'm working on is ECG signals  classification using recurrent neural network (RNN).

I attempt to use one of the following Matlab toolboxes for building the RNN:



The dataset that I'm working on consists some ECG records. Since RNN can be training using high-level features, at first step I found the R peaks for each ECG signal, which resulting in one vector for each ECG signal, then I combine all these vectors in one matrix (20*5000), where 20 corresponding to rows (number of ECG records), and 5000 corresponding to columns (number of maximum sample of ECG record) because the number of samples is different for each ECG signal.

This matrix has to be used for training the RNN. Since this process is supervised learning, I should create the matrix for the Labels (targets), I'm a little bit confused how to create such labels. For example, if we have two classes (class 1: representing 0, and class 2: representing 1 for each ECG record), do we should have the matrix of 20*5000 of the same size as the training data, where (20 labels= rows: number of ECG record) and (5000 samples= columns: represent 0 or 1 ). Please help me if you have any information that can help. 

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