07 July 2017 2 916 Report

we have an architecture consist a three tier: tier 1 consist terminal nodes, tier 2 consist fog nodes, tier 3 consist cloud server . We have given two equation, one is the service delay in fog and the other is the service delay in cloud. In addition, we have given some parameters that we should use to calculate these equations. you can find the equations is attached file. the following is the given parameters:

In the system, the number of fog node=10, which connected to a single cloud service provider.

The terminal node are assumed to be uniformly distributed among the virtual cluster VC. 

Data generation rate from each terminal node being 1 packet/s. 

Length of each data packet is taken as 65,536 and bytes and the machine instruction size is assumed to be 64 bits.

Processing speed of the devices at the fog computing tier= 1256 MIPS.

Processing speed of the devices at the cloud computing tier= 124,850 MIPS.

Please help me using these parameters to calculate the two equations. I'm not able to find the relation between the required parameters to calculate the equations and the given ones!. 

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