Basically, you can't do this with a top-down process. You need a bottom-up process to be effective and efficient.
'The micron scale is volumetrically 109 times larger than the nanoscale. Confusing microtechnology with molecular technology is like confusing an elephant with a ladybug' K Eric Drexler quoted in Ed Regis Nano: the emerging science of nanotechnology' Little, Brown and Company, 1st Edition pp 207 - 208 (1995)
2 quotes from those much greater than I:
'I think dry nanotechnology is probably a dead-end' Rudy Rucker Transhumanity Magazine (August 2002)
‘If the particles are agglomerated and sub-micron it may be impossible to adequately disperse the particle… ‘The energy barrier to redispersion is greater if the particles have been dried. Therefore, the primary particles must remain dispersed in water...’ J H Adair, E. Suvaci, J Sindel, “Surface and Colloid Chemistry” Encyclopedia of materials: Science and Technology pp 8996 - 9006 Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001 ISBN 0-08-0431526