Buenas tardes, usted necesita las curvas de nivel de batimetría, para crear un modelo topográfico a partir de la las cuevas de nivel (DEM). Luego debe producir un mapa de pendientes, el cual podría filtrar de acuerdo con rangos de pendientes que usted determine. Al final de proceso podría usar un filtro para suavizar su mapa final. Saludos desde Costa Rica.
If you use ArcMap from ArcGIS or ArcGISPro, you can obtain a slope gradient map from your bathymetry.
You simply input your bathymetry as a raster and then you can go to the "Spatial Analyst" tool and choose "Slope". Slope allows you to choose your bathymetry as the input raster, and then it will give you a slope gradient map as the output.
It is quite a simple process, but here's a link to the method in case you are interested in seeing how it works: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/spatial-analyst/how-slope-works.htm
If you don't have ArcGIS, QGIS / GRASS has a CSMapMaker plugin ( https://github.com/waigania13/CSMapMaker ) or the stand alone Relief visualization Toolbox ( https://iaps.zrc-sazu.si/en/rvt#v ) that provide lots other analytical options, because slope isn't the only one that determines proneness to land slides.