Hi.. Everyone.

I am developing one tungsten inert gas (TIG) cladding for high temperature oxidation and wear conditions. I would like to perform the high temperature oxidation test of TIG weld clad surface. I am puzzled to resolve this matter. Due to some limitations, I am unable to coat all the 6 surfaces of a rectangular steel specimen with TIG cladding process. However, I am still interested to determine the oxidation performance of this one sided clad surface. As I can imagine that all other 5 faces will also be exposed to the oxidation environment and hence provide a clear path for the oxygen to diffuse in the clad-substrate interface. This may lead to the debonding of the cladding and inconsistencies in the test results.

Please help me to resolve this issue. Is there any method to perform the localized high temperature oxidation test? Which would allow me to test my cladding.

Thanks in advance

With Regards

Dr. Lalit Thakur

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