To perform CV you must have a potentiosate and 3-electrode cell. Depend on the media, pH and reactions you should to choose electrodes and reference electrode as well. In the most of work that I have read Ag/AgCl reference electrode was used. Also often it is used Hg/HgO Hg/Hg2Cl2.
CV is performed by three electrode system, reference electrode, counter electrode (generally Pt wire used) and working electrode ( your sample or electrode used for deposition). You can use different type of reference electrode (Ag/AgCl, SHE, calomel electrode etc), in three electrode system. Furthermore, on low scan rate good uniform deposition and results were obtained.
any kind of known reference electrode is suitable to run the CV test...
(you will need 3 electrodes: working, reference and counter; these 3 electrodes dip properly in a suitable electrolyte solution and connect with the electrochemical workstation and then you will get your CV curve)