Dear All,

I have to call genotype for multiple samples using joint genotyping methedology of GATK best practices, So I made a shell script which take  list of samples in a text file as an input, and script through all commands on each sample one by one up to GVCF step. After generating GVCF for each sample, I want to call joint genotype using following command:

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -R hg19.fa -V sample1.g.vcf -V sample2.g.vcf [.. -V sampleN.g.vcf] -o rawVariants.vcf

So I pass "-V sample1.g.vcf -V sample2.g.vcf -V sampleN.g.vcf" as a variable like below:

V="-V sample1.g.vcf -V sample2.g.vcf .. -V sampleN.g.vcf"

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -R hg19.fa `echo $V` -o rawVariants.vcf


java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs -R hg19.fa $V -o rawVariants.vcf

I got "ERROR MESSAGE: Invalid argument value '-V sample1.g.vcf -V sample2.g.vcf .. -V sampleN.g.vcf'.

Please provide me some way to pass '-V sample1.g.vcf -V sample2.g.vcf .. -V sampleN.g.vcf' to the GATK command in shell script.

Thanks in advance! 

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