I'm having some problem with the hard bake of the resist and I wonder if someone could help me with that.
Initially I make the adhesive coating followed by prebake and the resist coating with the thickness of 8µm (Speed: 2800 rpm, Acceleration: 2000 rpm/s and Time: 25 s) and I prebake it at 100°C for 9 mins with hot plate.
Then I develop with AZ 351B (1:4) for 4.45 mins and I hard bake it at 115°C for 60 mins. I proceed with reactive ion etching (RIE) after hard bake.
The problem with the process is I notice re-flow of the resist after hard baking which is really bad. So I would like know the optimized condition either with the hard bake temperature or the baking time or any other possibilities.
Uma Muthiah