The 16 element dipole antenna array with Radome.
1. An array with hemispherical radome is simulated with the following setup using HFSS software tool version 19 in HP 640 workstation with 16 core processor and 128GB RAM:
a. Frequency sweep : 4.4 to 5 GHz
b. Center frequency : 4.7 GHz
c. Frequency step: 100 MHz
d. No. of adaptive passes : 20
e. Max delta value : 0.02
Note : Radome was designed with 200 segments
2. The meshing itself has taken more time (24 hours) and simulation stopped with error “hf3d error: SOLVER_OUT_OF_MEMORY”.
3. The same array with hemispherical radome is simulated, then mesh time is around 40 minutes and simulation is completed with an error “failed to converge_frequency point 4900000Hz as 400 iterations are reached”.
Note : Radome was designed with 50 segments
Please advise us a solution to address the above issues and complete the simulation to get valid results for our requirement.
Please let us know, if we need to provide any further information to expedite the process.