I am searching for thee database which could provide me signal sequence specific to the various cell organelle. such as signal sequence for mitochondria, signal sequence for endoplasmic...
04 February 2021 6,650 2 View
30 November 2020 5,089 5 View
Recently, I have attended a training where the instructor said 36 is the recommended sample size of case study in qualitative techniques. I am curious to know if the total population is less than...
14 March 2020 4,566 4 View
Width of the Equivalent diagonal strut of infill masonry wall with Openings located at different position. Is there any formulas or need to be done in FEM Software?
03 January 2020 1,030 1 View
I need to select a transparent glass for solar still. but i know the specification all. but i need high transmissivity glass. but i dont know what brand , and what thickness i should choose. i...
13 November 2019 9,799 4 View
Please list out some common corrosion takes place in the aerospace components and suggest me the possible medium to perform corrosion test for the aerospace-grade Ti alloy in a lab. Applications...
25 September 2019 9,161 3 View
How is research design related with and different from research methodology??
11 June 2019 4,449 3 View
I am trying to obtain the eigenvalues of the global stiffness matrix in abaqus. I am able to extract the stiffness matrix using the input file and use MATLAB to obtain the eigenvalues. But I want...
03 June 2019 1,829 4 View
In order to obtain EIS results on commercial batteries of capacities from 1 Ah to 3.3 Ah batteries, what is the max RMS current that should be used in galvanostatic mode? I am using Versastat...
28 May 2019 2,165 5 View
Transcription factors (TFs)
02 May 2019 6,661 1 View
I have been trying to simulate heat transfer problem in Comsol 5.5 for long time but it always throw an error stating: "Failed to find a solution. Maximum number of Newton iterations...
28 February 2021 8,626 3 View
I am new researcher. I want to learn more and I need your help. Thank you.
04 February 2021 6,834 4 View
I work in apricot research and we have a breeding program for abiotic stress tolerance. I collect data from the cultivars i could use in this program individually, but there are several hundred...
01 February 2021 386 3 View
The available water (surface and groundwater) is highly saline (6-20 dS/m). It is required to produce crop (moderately saline tolerant, up to 6 dS/m). Is there any low-cost filtering system (or...
18 January 2021 5,015 3 View
I am regressing stock market participation (binary variable equal to 1 if an individual owns equities and 0 otherwise) on debt and a bunch of control variables using a logistic regression. debt is...
14 January 2021 6,451 1 View
I have a box which is kept at 4C which is enclosed in a ziploc bag. The dimensions of the box are: 18cm x 13.4cm x 4.9cm. The relative humidity of this internal environment is 30% at this...
07 January 2021 6,734 3 View
Except ( Tomato-Brinjal-Capscum-Chilli) .
27 December 2020 8,362 12 View
We want to screen halotolerant protease producing bacteria. Since Skim milk (HiMedia) is available in our lab, therefore, we want to screen extracellular protease by this compound/ supplement. We...
04 December 2020 7,657 6 View
Respected researchers, I conducted a SEM including 5 variables (two independent variables , two mediators, and a dependent variables), the correlations between these variables range vary from...
01 December 2020 1,338 5 View
It is known that electromagnetic performances of planar antenna structures can be impacted by the mechanical/manufacturing tolerances. What does this impact mean? And what are the antenna...
14 November 2020 299 3 View