Currently i am trying to write some LabView Program for controlling Nanotec L2818S0604-T5X5 linear stepper motors via Canopen protocol by using PID FPGA. I am using cRio 9024, Can Breakout box and NI 9881 to communicate with CANopen system. If My LabVIEW version is 2015 and l uploaded all drivers that l need. If you have some VI. codes with regard to control stepper motor. l am going to create syringe pump system by using stepper motor. l`d like to control velocity,acceleration,cw,ccw,time. l would be very appreciated, if you could give some suggestions. because it is my first application about embedded system. l could not write a code about that.
Hope the above helps, but please write me back if you are still having any question to understand the problem that l mentioned above.
Best Regards