Hello everyone,

I am conducting a research in which I have data on the purchase of 4 brands of some consumers in a first period of time (pretest). But I also have the data for the purchase of those 4 brands and the option to stop buying the product, in a second period of time (post-test). Between the pretest and the posttest, consumers were shown a stimulus that could have changed their purchase intention.

So, I have a nominal variable with 4 categories (one per brand), a nominal variable with 5 categories (the brands and the option to stop using the product), a nominal variable with the 4 stimuli, and other continuous variables (like age).

I make a drawing to represent the relationships between the pretest and post-test. Therefore, I have 5 flows for each brand in the pretest (20 in total) that relate to the brands in the posttest.

I would like to know what test I can use to determine if the flow of customers from brand 1 who go on to buy brand 2 is significant. That is, it is higher or lower than theoretically expected. I want to be able to apply this test to all relationships.

I also want to know what model I could use that includes all the relationships and the other explanatory variables (the stimuli, age, etc.). Then I can determine what variables influence these changes.

Thank you very much.

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