An infrared absorption method after combustion might be usable.
The sample is combusted and the gas is analyzed via infrared absorption method to determine the total content of carbon in the sample.
However, as your sample contains quite a lot of carbon, only a small sample mass might be usable, but this might depend on the calibration of the equipment used.
Dear Mohammadehsan Salarpour, if you are sure that the sample is only constituted of copper and carbon, I suggest you weigh 1 g of your sample, then transfer it to a beaker or a round bottom flask with a condenser on top, then add about 50 -100 mL of concentrated nitric acid to your sample. Put a stir bar in the flask and stir the mixture under boiling condition for 2-3 hours so that copper is dissolved completely. Afterward, let the mixture coll down to room temperature, sieve it through a filter paper weighted in advance, wash it 2-3 times with distilled water and dry it in the oven. Now you can obtain the weight of pure carbon by subtracting the weight of filter paper and that of filter paper+carbon. Please note, the digestion procedure must be carried out under the fume hood or outdoors since it releases toxic nitrogen oxide gases.
Mahdi Ghamsari Thank you for detailed solution. Unfortunately aside from copper and carbon, there are other elements too, but I guess this method for determining Carbon content would be quite practical.
Marcus Sommerfeld Thank you for answering, I found an instrument which is specialized for determining Carbon and Sulfur content of sample, and its mechanism is based on what you described.
Dear Paul Milham , the problem is that I have no idea what other element might be present in the sample, but I know two main component are carbon and copper.