N and P, adequate supply of K, Mg and S is particularly important in palm oil production. In addition, plants require nine micronutrients, namely iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), chlorine (Cl), boron (B) and molybdenum (Mo).
1. In Palm Tree, begins as a uniform light-green discoloration of the oldest leaves and The golden-yellow petiole, rachis, and crown shaft it shows deficiency of Nitrogen
2. If the pinnae turn yellow, then brown, and desiccate, starting from the leaf tips then it shows Mg deficiency.
3. Yellowish- orange discolouration of the lower fronds and younger fronds also become pale and chlorotic, this symptom is called Peat Yellows then it shows Zn deficiency.
4. Reduced canopy size and smaller trunk diameter, also known as pencil-point, New leaves may be small, frizzled, and chlorotic it shows K deficiency.
The nutrient status is best assessed using both soil and foliar analysis comprehensively.
The analysis whould lead to a n action plan for the deficiencies and excesses and the monitoring for a remediation plan to obtain the optimized condition.
Nitrogen for an oil palm grove can be useful to supply Nitrogen need as a ground cover
In the planting hole the use of P rich starter and organic matters are useful.
The role of balanced nutrition is greatly aided in many of the leached and acid soils by liming practice with use of dolomitic lime in cased of low Magnesium.
In most conditions potasium will be needed at substantial quantty to supply high yields and the potassium alone will stimulate deficiency in Magnesium.
The micronutrient amounts can be provided by foliar fertilization after the foliar analysis.