I try to isolate human phages against Staphylococcus capitis and Micrococcus luteus, both found on human skin. First, I take sterilized and moistened swabs (with 0,9% NaCl) and rub it on a defined surface area of 16cm^2 on the forearm, face and scalp. Then, I transfer the swabs to 5 ml of phage buffer, shake it vigorously and filter it through a 0.2µm membrane.
To test if there are phages I do the spot assay and dispense 3 drops of 5µl of the samples on a S capitis lawn.
I already tested bacteriophage spot assays of e coli and it worked well.
I think the phages of s capitis and m luteus on the human skin may be lysogenic. Can someone reccomend how to induce the lytic cycle or has someone already experience in isolating human skin phages?
Thank you!!