Olena Yarys PCA could be used after your data collection and the calculation of the covariance or correlation of your data collection. Then you should calculate and perform the eigenvalue on the covariance or correlation matrix of your variables. This result would show you the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of those components. Then sort the eigenvalues in descending order. The principal components corresponding to the highest eigenvalues capture the most variability in the data. Remember to choose the number of principal components based on the required threshold. Then Interpret the principal components and their respective loadings. The accumulation or sum of the loading of components should be higher than 50%. Then peform the biotope-species relationships into clusters or patterns in the form of the direction of the vectors, which would indicate which species contribute most to the separation (loadings). Then Validate the results using cross-validation or significance analysis of your results.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique that is commonly used in ecology and environmental science to explore relationships between species and environmental variables, such as biotopes. When applying PCA to establish the relationship between species and biotopes, the interpretation involves understanding how the principal components and loadings relate to the underlying ecological patterns. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Data Preparation:Organize your data in a matrix where rows represent different samples (e.g., sites or plots) and columns represent species abundances or occurrences in those samples. Additional columns can include environmental variables related to biotopes.
Standardize the Data:Standardize the data to ensure that variables are on the same scale. This is crucial for PCA, as it is sensitive to the scale of the variables. Example in Python using scikit-learn: pythonCopy codefrom sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # Assuming 'data' is your dataset scaler = StandardScaler() standardized_data = scaler.fit_transform(data)
Perform PCA:Use PCA to transform the data into principal components. Example in Python using scikit-learn: pythonCopy codefrom sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA() principal_components = pca.fit_transform(standardized_data)
Understand Variance Explained:Examine the explained variance ratio for each principal component. This tells you the proportion of the total variance in the data explained by each component. pythonCopy codeexplained_variance_ratio = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
Identify Significant Principal Components:Consider retaining the principal components that explain a significant portion of the total variance. You can decide based on a cumulative explained variance threshold.
Examine Loadings:Examine the loadings of each variable on the retained principal components. Loadings represent the correlation between the original variables and the principal components. Example in Python using scikit-learn: pythonCopy codeloadings = pca.components_
Interpret Loadings:Positive or negative loadings indicate the direction and strength of the relationship between variables and principal components. High loadings suggest a strong association.
Biplot Visualization (Optional):Create a biplot to visualize both samples and variables in the same plot. This can help interpret the relationships between species and biotopes. Example in Python using scikit-learn: pythonCopy codeimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.scatter(principal_components[:, 0], principal_components[:, 1], c='blue', alpha=0.5) plt.quiver(0, 0, loadings[0, :], loadings[1, :], color='red') plt.xlabel('PC1') plt.ylabel('PC2') plt.show()
Interpret Results:Interpret the results in the context of your study. High loadings on specific principal components indicate strong relationships between certain species and biotopes.
Cross-Reference with Ecological Knowledge:Cross-reference your findings with existing ecological knowledge to validate and interpret the ecological meaning of the identified patterns.
Remember that interpreting PCA results requires domain knowledge, and the identified patterns may be suggestive rather than conclusive. Additionally, the number of retained principal components should be based on both statistical criteria (explained variance) and ecological relevance.
Olena Yarys If you are looking for patterns and relationships among those variables (species and biotopes), additional approaches like Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) or regression models may be appropriate. Then you could validate and perform the sensibility analysis of your results.
Indeed, I agree with Anthony Bagherian Anthony Bagherian. Canonical Correspondence Analysis is a very good tool for visualizing links between species and habitat parameters (surface area, vegetation height, etc.). "This analysis is adapted to the vision of the ecological niche and the environmental gradients along which species niches are separated" (DRAY & CHESSEL, 2006).
Here's an example of the link between orthopterans and biotope parameters on dry grasslands (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339103167_Suivi_des_orthopteres_des_pelouses_et_milieux_associes_des_Pelouses_de_la_Cote_Dijonnaise_Cote-d'Or_et_des_Pelouses_de_la_cote_de_Beaune; p. 17)