Hi everyone! I'm doing my master thesis on the effect of childhood poverty* (IV) on switching behaviors in adulthood (DV), and I am expecting an increase in the DV only in currently financially stressful situations (M) for people who grew up poor. My issue is, my moderator is categorical with only two categories (low difficulty/high difficulty) and when I run model 1 with financial difficulty as W I get strange results that the effects of the predictor (childhood poverty) are not significant at any of the two values (i.e. conditions) of the moderator even though their interaction is (p < 0.10)? See Effects1.png

I tried running it the other way around, with childhood poverty as the moderator and the results made more sense and confirmed my hypothesis. However, from what I can gather this output only gives me the results of the conditional effects of highly financially stressful situations (Cond =1) at different values of childhood poverty. (See Effects2.png) I understand that low financial stress situations would be 0, hence the effect would just be the main effect of childhood poverty, but as the simple slopes graph indicates there's a huge difference in the low condition between the participants who experienced childhood poverty and those that didn't.

Is there a way I can get the effect sizes of low financially stressful situations at different values of childhood poverty, or should I just use the main effect size of childhood poverty as justification for the blue line in the simple slopes? Many thanks!

*We defined childhood poverty as "childhood financial scarcity" hence the name of the variable ChScarc and the reverse scoring of it (positive childhood scarcity indicates growing up poor)

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