I use Qiagen circulating nucleic acid kit for extraction of cfdna. Many times I got low concentration of cfdna or sometime I got nothing. Can I add extra amount of carrier RNA to get high yield cfdna? I use 4 ml of plasma for extraction of cfdna.
Qiagen circulating nucleic acid kit suggest leaving columns for 2-3 min after adding AVE buffer at the elution step. However, I found that 2-3 min is not enough to take all samples out of the column. My personal experience suggests that if you leave it for about 30-60 min with AVE buffer then extraction is much better. I agree with you that if you just follow what is written in protocol then recovery is too low. Otherwise, 4 ml plasma is a good amount to extract enough cfDNA for PCR and NGS. You should get 50-200 ng DNA from 4ml plasma. If you are getting less than you need to work on your protocol.