Independent on type of drug. Is any other chemical like DMSO, ethanol, Nanopartical or Can I use CaCl2. Can please suggest me any other type of chemical or solvent which help for increasing cell wall permeability.
It has been shown that the lower the pH, the lower the permeability of algal cell wall to ionic and/or metallic species in solution. Therefore acidic solutions (e.g., pH 5.5) are to be avoided when trying to transfect algal cells with drugs or other molecules. It is better to use solutions at or a little higher than pH 7.0. Physiological pHs of about 7.41 might be ideal.
Thank so much for your kind information @ Dmitri Kireev and Vicente Mendoza Reyes. But Dr. Dmitri Kireev , what u will suggest, is it lower concentration of Detergents? It will help for transport of drugs better way to cytoplasm without hampering algal cell.
Dr Vicente Mendoza Reyes,
During study, my microalgal isolat showing optimum growth at 7.4. what kind of effect generated in alkaline pH on cell wall permeability. Is it interesting to see the experimentally?
Detergents cause little "holes" on the membrane surface and, hence, increase the probability for drug molecules to get through. Unfortunately, it is not my area, so I can't help with experimental specifics, such as, concentrations, etc.