I used Neper to generate the tessellation file and the meshing file, and assigned the crystal orientation. How to import these files into ABAQUS for crystal plastic finite element analysis(CPFEA, CPFEM)?
Yeah, I have read your code and its instruction on GitHub.
Your code is definitely a helpful tool for parsing columnar grains and transforming the .tess file to Abaqus by extruding 2D plate to a parallelpiped model with specific depth.
What I am now struggling with, however, is a multiscale tessellated 3D RVE. :)
After trying importing the meshed .inp file obtained by Neper -M Module to Abaqus, I found it was weird that instead of divided by grains, all of elements were part of one single part without any information of grains or orientation. :(
Not sure about the multiscale tessellations in Neper. If the .inp file generated by Neper does not contain information on the grains, you will not be able to retrieve them in Abaqus CAE
If you want to refine the mesh in a region of a particular grain, then you can use the Neper2CAE tool, then you use the partition tool in Abaqus CAE to separate a region of a grain, then you can set the seeds of the mesh in a way they generate a finer mesh in your region of interest.
I am not sure if this helps in your application, but you can use the proposed method to refine the mesh in specific regions or specific grains.