Hi all,

I have synthesized some MnO2 (mineral, delta-birnessite) by reacting KMnO4 + HCl. Even thought I precipitated, washed and dialyzed the mineral, I keep getting significant quantities of manganese in solution when I perform ICP on aqueous MnO2 filtrates (briefly, I suspend the mineral in water, sonicate, shake overnight, filter through 0.22 um pore size PTFE membrane and take the supernatant to the ICP).

I can't have permanganate in the system. So I need to identify whether the manganese present in the supernatant is Mn(VII).

I went to a specialist to perform XPS on the solid but apparently manganese is a little sketchy to identify different oxidation states due to the proximity of the valence bands in the spectra.

Any suggestions?

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