25 February 2021 3 3K Report

I'm in the process of updating a meta-analysis and in one of the new studies, effect sizes are reported as Tau-U. Two of the effect sizes are reported as Tau-U = 1.00.

I am using Andy Field's meta-analysis syntax for SPSS.

For the meta-analysis, I have been converting effect sizes to Pearson's r. When I convert a Tau-U of 1.00 to r, using the syntax created by David Walker, it stays as 1.00.

When I put a perfect r value (i.e., r = 1.00) into Field's SPSS syntax, however, I get a divide by zero error because the syntax is converting the r-values to z-values.

How should perfect effect sizes like this be handled? Should I remove them from the analysis? I can't seem to find any guidance on this and would very much appreciate someone at least pointing me in the right direction.

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