I am currently trying to model a coupled temperature-displacement analysis of a CFRP using Abaqus 6.14-3. As the mesh distortion is very high, I am using the CEL (Coupled Euler Lagrangian) analysis. 

How have currently modeled the CFRP as a small rectangular part, and have partitioned it as 2 areas- one having an isotropic material, and the other an anisotropic material.I have used the Volume Fraction Tool to define the areas.

The Abaqus code for providing a material orientation directly, when having more than one material definition, has many bugs and hence does not allow the material orientation. Anyone has any experience with the same (providing an anisotropic and an isotropic material definition in a CEL analysis)?

Or is there any other way to better model a CFRP, and check do a coupled temperature-displacement analysis?

Any help would be appreciated.


Vikrant Srivastava

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