but when you click on first mode(eg. ) right click on that and export the total deformation in text or excel file. which give you maximum displacement for every node, that's your eigen vectors right ? eigen values are natural frequency.
Perform Modal Analysis in ANSYS: Run the analysis to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Export Eigenvalues If the eigenvalues are complex, separate them into their real and imaginary components. Mathematically, this involves ignoring the imaginary part.
A complex eigenvalue Z can be represented as: Z=x+ib
where x is the real part and b is the imaginary part.
Open ansys, Prepare modal anaylysis in ansys, give B.C. like fixed support and all. after that run the simulation.
after getting first 6 mode frequencies, that will show right corner when you click on solution model.
after that select all the frequencies and right click go to total deformation of all frequencies. it will show individual frequencies deformation.
right click on that individual total deformation of frequencies and export to text file. which will give further more node displacement values. that is your eigen vectors. still not understand send me screen shot on my number 9724371807.