Recently, I completed a review article, submitted it to the journal, and received comments/questions from the journal editor. Now, as the deadline approaches, I will submit the revised manuscript. Since I have answered the reviewers’ questions and solved all the questions they raised, but in the editor’s email, this is clearly mentioned, that is, only after you have obtained all necessary copyright permissions from the publisher , We can continue publishing. I know this is an important step, but I found that, unlike Willey ACS journals, Springer Nature journals do not provide image licenses for free. Now let me ask everyone, how to solve this problem? Since I am a student, I cannot afford huge fees. Although the manuscript is already in the review process, the images cannot be changed. What should I do now? Has anyone else encountered the same problem as me? If so, please guide me and help me get rid of the pressure...! I would be very grateful if someone guides me in the right direction.

Usman Ali Shah

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