I am working with biological samples(mammalian cell lines) to acquire their Raman spectra. I have Raman substrates (gold coated with glass) on top of which I have a polyacrylamide hydrogel. My cells adhere on top of this hydrogel. I am having trouble using the HORIBA confocal microscope (60x water immersion objective, 785 nm laser) to find and focus on my cells. I try to focus first in the microscope mode and switch to laser mode only when I have found the cell and focused on it. I typically first focus on the glass and then move the objective up to find my cells. I am able to focus well on the glass surface. However, when I move the objective up to find the surface of my hydrogel, it gets darker and the image pixelates. I am not able to see anything and focus on it. As I keep going higher, it gets darker and the objective by then is out of the liquid media. Is there a better approach to focus the microscope and find my cells on the hydrogels? Is there a way to tell if I am too close to or too far away from the focal plane of the microscope?