I am finding the total force on a fuselage so another team member can use that value for material selection. What command should I use to find that? The answer I got from the sum of forces seem to jump all over the place.
Thu Ya WinI think you have to do FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) analysis. If you use your calculation by Workbecnh platform, after that you got the solution in the CFX module you have connect your solution with structual module (for example Static Structual). In Static Structural you have to load solid body which will constrain the loads from fluid domen. This body must be placed at the same coordinate system as and fluid domain in cfx module. The loads from cfx module transfered as field of pressure and temperature.
After that you have to define constraints in the structural module and do the structural calculation. After that you can find loads forces as reactions in the constrain places of model.
Thu Ya Win Yes. But this video tutorial on russian. Unfortunately i don't know link to english version.
Also i share for you guide about using Ansys Workbench for students of Samara State Aerospace University. You have to look page 174. But it on russian too.