17 November 2019 3 2K Report

Dear friends: I have a myriad of small time-series data sets, which are normally distributed (example: Daily electricity demand in a location by hours 1 thru 24. You could clearly observe that during peak hours there is high demand for electricity, and then it dies out during evening and night hours). If I plot the demand curves under normal distribution, I need to mathematically find a way to find the most-like shapes of the curves. My initial thought was to use Maximum Likelihood Function (MLE) to find the most like shapes because we know Mean and Standard Deviation of each data set. Is there any other commonly used methods within the quant community to solve mathematically this problem. Please note I am not a big fan of using Least Squares method (LSE) because it is prone to errors - i found data sets with similar sum of least squared error but their shapes were NOT similar. I appreciate your advise.

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