I am working on population biology of a pest. I have used gene specific marker and got some haplotypes. I want to know what to do further and how to find their relationship. Please help.
please precise the kind of samples you have (cases/controls, families....) and the type of markers (snp, microsatelittes...). GWAS?? is your goal to find association between haplotypes or with a phenotype?
Hi. I have used different populations of a single insect species and amplified with mitochondrial markers. I have found some haplotype information from them. Want to know how to find association between haplotypes of different populations.
You may try to use the software Network . Use the method Median-Joining, then draw the network. To create the file for Network, use the software DnaSP, you can generate haplotype list and save it in the proper format. You may also divide samples in different populations, generate the haplotype list and save in the proper format for using it in the sotware Arlequin v.3.5 . In this last software you can perform a multitude of analyses, such as AMOVA, pairwise Fst, neutrality tests and so on.