I extract the global stiffness matrix from Abaqus. Here are some of the lines contained in the file:

row Column Value

1 1 6.835663422791815e+09

1 2 1.275539398193359e-05

2 1 1.275539398193359e-05

1 4 -6.152155805863143e-24

4 1 -6.152155805863143e-24

1 5 -1.676380634308013e-08



Then, I create the global stiffness matrix with Matlab, and after that, I obtained the eigenvectors and diagonal eigenvalues with the use of this syntax:

[phi, W2]=eig(GlobalStiffness,GlobalMass);

The resulting matrices contain elements that appear to be incorrect. For instance, some of the elements of the diagonal eigenvalue matrix (W2) are getting infinite:

1569.3 0 0 0 ...

W2= 0 -Inf 0 0 ...

0 0 Inf 0 ...

0 0 0 Inf ...

and the first column of my eigenvector matrix (phi) is zero except for the element of first row:






did you know what is the problem with my eigenvector matrix and diagonal eigenvalue matrix?

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