60 eucalyptus seed lot from three different sources and including 4 control clones. when Heritability estimating through ANOVA table but when calculate ANOVA without control or with control ?
Heritability estimation restricted for quantitative traits, and dependent on the resemblance between relatives ( narrow sense heritability ) or between groups of different genetic makeup like breeds, strains ( broad sense )
You must describe your study well and the goal of your estimation
Heritability is about genetic variation in a population, so it depends on whether you consider the control to be part of that population, However, you can't really estimate a variance with 3 or 4 genetic types. You could test for differences between your groups, which would give some information on whether the trait has a genetic component, but you couldn't really say anything about the population.
I am going to make a selection for hybridization program. in my trial have control clones also. before Heritability estimation making ANOVA table and when i calculate the ANOVA omit the control clones or not ? this my question. control is not part of the population.
about my trials;
* 60 clones including control four clones and 56 progeny from three different provenance. RCBD design with single tree plot.
* control is not part of the population.
to find out variation between/among provenance.
to selection of individual tree for hybridization program.
how to find out individual tree Heritability(broad sense )?
The commonly applied coefficient of relationship for the first generation eucalypt progeny of 1/2.5 appears to be quite suitable for correcting variance component and heritability estimates. http://dx.doi.org/10.20886/ijfr.2016.3.2.119-127