Lancet, Nature and Science are very high profile journals. Below these a wide range of journals whose IF is smaller, but they are specialist journals (specialty, quality and impact). So which one to submit to: high IF or a special one.
Fathi - a question that is very difficult to answer without more context. The types of journals you list are very difficult to publish in - and it depends on your specialist field. For instance, most are medical specialists that publish in the Lancet. The journals that I target are the ones that are most established and ranked in the top 10 ISI rankings for my discipline - but I know that I will never publish in Nature or Science.
First of all you have to choose the Journals of the Specific Subject area, then out of them again you have to choose one which publishes works like yours......
Thanks all, but again still unclear for us shall we go for specialist journals e.g. chemistry, pharmacology or pathology or to Lancet that is top, which one speciality or quality?
Another key point in this matter that may play a role is that time, a journal takes to undertake the review process, is an issue in choosing the journal?.
This is a point every researcher should be aware of. You tend to submit papers to journals which you believe the paper is most related to (this can be seen from the aims and scope of the journals), and where you believe the paper will make the most impact. IF is one criterion to consider, but it does not necessarily mean that journals with very high IF are the only ones to go for. Also, note the more recent trends in publishing i.e. open access etc. Always a part of writing a paper, is where to submit it to, and this is always relative to the different disciplines researchers adhere to.