I want to konck down the target gene in mouse kidney. The method I want to take is recombinant lentivirus vectors harboring a short-hairpin RNA sequence are delivered to the mouse kidney by means of intraparenchymal injections. First , to assess the efficiency of this method, negative controls ( lentivirus vectors harboring shNC sequence) or PBS without lentivirus were delivered to the mouse kidney. After one week, lentiviral-mediated RFP fluorescin were detected by fluorescence microscope. But , compare to PBS group, I found the fluorescence intensity in shNC group is weak. In additon, the kidney tissue in PBS group can express fluorescence in backgroup and the fulorescence intensity was not uniform. So , i found it is difficult to evalue the fluorescence positive area in shNC group. Can some one give me some advice about intraparenchymal injection to knock down target gene? Can i detect the fluorescin by PCR? Thank you very much!

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