I need to find a way to deal with all these variables in a stepdown logistic regression model, to be able in the end to generate a predictive model.

The additional problem is that some of these variables are highly rank-correlated (spearman: variables do not distribute normally).

For the reasons above, I have tried first to group variables according to their eigenvectors resulting from a covariance Principal Components Analysis, associating them to one or more principal components (I kept the first 15 components).

I then carried out several stepdown logistic regressions, on for each "group" of variables... actually, if the regressions held, I put together variables from more groups.

I finally kept only the variables resulting from the stepdown procedures and put them in a final model (again a stepdown logistic regression).

Do you think it works this way? Any suggestion?

The outcome: cases are IBDs (Crohn and Ulcerative Colitis), controls are both surgical controls and gastrointestinal controls. The variables are VOCs (volatile organic compounds, molecules identified mainly through their molecular weight).

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