I want to estimate the effect of public policies supporting renewables on the share of renewables in a countries energy supply (CRES, dependent variable). I added some control variables (GDP; commodity prices, energy dependence etc.). My question is how to construct a variable for Energy Policies and Measures. My database are those measures and policies listed at IRENA/IEA. They distinguish between 6 types of policies/measures ( (1) Economic instruments, (2) Information and Education, (3) Policy Supports, (4) Regulatory Instruments, (5) R&D and (6) Voluntary.
My approach
(1) Either creating a dummy variable which takes on the value 1 if the country has for example more /equal to 20 policies in each category (rule of thumb)
(2) Create a continous variable, attributing the value to each measure, however in this case I assume that each measure has the same weight
Any suggestions/ideas/ contributions are highly appreciated!