Research has shown that Cucurbit rootstocks could be used in grafting watermelon to resolve the problem of two Fusarium of two Fusarium species affecting watermelon.when the level of mortality is ranged between 0 to 15%, resistant, if the percent of infested plants varied from 15 and 17%. For details consult Journal of Plant Sciencess Vol 2 ( 1 ): 102 - 107, 2007
Dear Sylvester Peter Antai, I would suggest testing your curcurbit rootstocks for both their Fusarium reactions and their compatability with your top genotype.
If you growth your Fusarium on broth infused toothpicks these can be used for susceptibility reaction the nature and length of lesions and discoloration should give a quantitative and qualitative information on relative and class of resistance. Infest toothpicks are inserted into a basal stem area and the reaction followed.
One of the best ways of looking at both resistance and compatibility would be the assessment of growth characteristics of the grafted inoculated and control plants.
Toothpick inoculations have been very effective tools for looking at disease reactions of stem pathogens.