Hi, all

I am using some protocol for protoplast production from Fusarium graminearum (Fg), but I need them in a huge amount. Sometimes the protocol worked well but most of the time failed. Temperature (30c), rotation (70rpm) are almost the same for all protocol but the enzyme conditions are different. i need to know the growing condition of fusarium spore and their amount before growing on liquid medium. I would be nice if someone has any idea about hidden tips and tricks for the Fg protoplast production. Thanks in advance. The reference paper I used are following (No 3 was preferred for the experiment )

1. (PDF) A modified method for transformation of Fusarium graminearum (researchgate.net)

2. A protoplast generation and transformation method for soybean sudden death syndrome causal agents Fusarium virguliforme and F. brasiliense | Fungal Biology and Biotechnology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

3. Protoplast production and transformation of morphological mutants of the Quorn® myco-protein fungus, Fusarium graminearum A3/5, using the hygromycin B resistance plasmid pAN7–1 - ScienceDirect

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