25 February 2021 5 10K Report

Hi, I'm looking for a pen/marker to write on the smooth, transparent (non-frosted) part of microscopy slides which does not get washed away by alcohols and most importantly Roti-Histol. I want to mark something on the slide after my sections (paraffin-sections) have been dried, and need the ink to stay on during the subsequent deparaffination/rehydration/staining and mounting steps. For deparaffination and clearing before mounting I use Roti-Histol, the used stains are water based.

My initial idea was just using a pencil, but obviously that does not work on the non-frosted part of the slide...besides that I already tried the edding 780 paint marker, which is supposedly alcohol-resistant, but it doesn't seem to be resistant to Roti-Histol.

Another one I found, but haven't tried yet, is this one: https://shop.leicabiosystems.com/us/histology-consumables/cassettes/pid-marking-pens

According to the website it should be resistant to xylene and xylene-substitutes, so it should also be resistant to Roti-Histol...I'm just scared it's another bad buy like the edding 780...

Have any of you encountered this problem yet or have experience with the leica marker or others? Are there any pencils that work on smooth glass that are water, alcohol and Roti-Histol resistant?

Thank you for taking the time to read through all this!

Best regards,


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