I am trying to solve a mixing tank problem, the tank is made of two parts i.e. a cylindrical part and the bottom as semi spherical part. Stirrer made of three blades. I created 4 bodies the 1. fluid domain(cylinder +semispherical) 2. rotary domain(clinder ) 3. dummy Boolean (same as rotary domain) 4. and the stirrer, after that used boolean(substract) between the fluid domain and rotary domain, and between dummy boolean and stirrer. I have taken inlet, wall and outlet of rotary domain. I have used k-epsilon model ,this gives the flow pattern within the rotary domain but I want see the flow pattern in the semi-spherical portion also, How to select boundary condition for this problem or any other change required. after getting the flow pattern how to calculate the stagnant zone % (cylinderical portion) and dead zone % (semi spherical portion)