
I am new to power analysis in multi-level models. I am looking for a possibility to do a power analysis for the following 2-level model: Y = y00 + y10*D1 + y20*D2+y01*Z +y11*D1Z+y21*D2Z.

In this model, I investigate the effect of time (D1 and D2) and an experimental condition as well as their interaction effect on my outcome variable. The time is measured three times and integrated as dummy-coded contrasts in the model (D1 and D2). The experimental condition is also dummy-coded.

I tried to work with the instruction for a power analysis in 2-level models by Trend & Schäfer (2019) (see R code attached). However, I do not know how create the conditional variances for my model and I think there must be a mistake in the model .

I would be very happy to get your advice. Thanks a lot!

R code:

#Specifying standardized input parameters


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